St. Patrick and me

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all. Unlike St. Patrick I can’t promise to banish all the snakes but I can certainly help you banish your fear of snakes. Enjoy your day and don’t let the snakes get in your way.

Fast Fix Fears and Phobias Workshop

A big thank you to CHI Temple Street for facilitating my Fast Fix Fears and Phobias workshop today. Super condensed version but still produced great results. I really want to congratulate the participants for taking the brave step to face their fears/ phobias and for the effort they put in today. Wishing them all well… Continue reading Fast Fix Fears and Phobias Workshop

Fear by Kahlil Gibran

Read and reread this fantastic poem until you realise what fear really is. It is said that before entering the seaa river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled,from the peaks of the mountains,the long winding road crossing forests and villages. And in front of her,she sees an ocean so… Continue reading Fear by Kahlil Gibran

High Hang-xiety and what it’s telling you An interesting portmanteau for hangover and anxiety. Growing up I would known this as “the fear”. An interesting article which for me highlights the need to go with your anxiety, listen to what it is telling you, there is much truth in the old Latin saying,”In vino veritas”. We can learn lessons from anything… Continue reading High Hang-xiety and what it’s telling you

Is the Sun setting in on summer ?

I like September. On an island with the Atlantic to the West and the Irish Sea to the east September brings in many changes. Not only the weather as who can tell the variables of such a potent force? But more than this for us as people. Our lives change back to the normal, back… Continue reading Is the Sun setting in on summer ?

Anxiety and Covid-19. It might surprise you.

Some alarming statistics where nearly 20% linked to anxiety based disorders. Get this quote from the paper : Anxiety and fear-related disorders were a prevalent condition in our sample; they were also the second highest risk factor for death among the underlying conditions considered in our study. Click to access 21_0123.pdf Of course it doesn’t… Continue reading Anxiety and Covid-19. It might surprise you.

10 things stopping you being awesome

Stop worrying about what others think of you, as they probably too consumed with worrying about the same thing. Spinning too many plates. Stop. No one can do it all by themselves, start delegating or outsourcing to free up time. Hate your job? Do something about it as it won’t change itself. Too many energy… Continue reading 10 things stopping you being awesome

Poll: Has the pandemic affected your mental health? ·

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on many people. — Read on Nearly 60 % of people surveyed said their mental health has been affected during this pandemic. It doesn’t all have to be like this. Let’s do something together to change this affect. This is a global phenomenon so no one should… Continue reading Poll: Has the pandemic affected your mental health? ·

Who’s responsible anyway?

    You may have heard this story before but indulge me as it’s important and relevant to all our lives. I have a copy of this on my office wall. Only through our own actions will we change our lives: This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.  There… Continue reading Who’s responsible anyway?

Freedom from Anxiety Journey

What’s the most common route to dealing with your anxiety? GP? Medication? Counselling? CBT? Sometimes these interventions work which is great as you will not need to wait to see me however more often and not these don’t work. I know this as this is the route many people take before contacting me. But that’s… Continue reading Freedom from Anxiety Journey

How you can stop feeling self conscious

One of the most common signs of anxiety is self consciousness. It’s not unusual for people to think that  others are talking about them or feel negatively towards them.This “what will people think” mindset causes much anxiety. Am I self conscious? This can Result in paranoia  and is almost certainly only “in the mind” of… Continue reading How you can stop feeling self conscious